Heart Balancing Spiritual Rose Cologne (7.5oz)

Heart Balancing Spiritual Rose Cologne (7.5oz)


Rose Cologne is a beautifully flagrant Rose and Alcohol based cologne which is used in several real spiritual practices to anoint, bless a home, invite peace and love and cleanse the heart space. It immediately adds a loving energy and freshens the space you are in while balancing the Heart Chakra. Add this to a spiritual bath, sprinkle around the house or spray it on your heart space for an instant uplifting and emotional balancing experience. Colonia de Rosa is the water most used to elevate the spirit, bring harmony and create an aura of attraction and understanding. 

This item may be used with:

  • Self Love Candle

  • Love and Attraction Work

  • Sweetness Work

Item comes in a 7.5oz Bottle

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