MAMA’s FertiliTEA for Hormone Balancing & Promoting Fertility

MAMA’s FertiliTEA for Hormone Balancing & Promoting Fertility

from $34.00

Organic Loose Herbs which support hormonal balancing, fertility, liver health, ovulation and uterine balancing and iron absorption. Please consult with your doctor before taking.

Herbal Composition:

Enjoy this herbal tea blend if you are interested in supporting your fertility journey. This blend is packed with herbs for uterine support and ovulation, which are necessary for fertility. Dandelion Root, our primary herb reduces water weight in the body and promotes liver health. This herb has been traditionally used to heal reproductive health issues such as Fibroids and Urinary Tract Infections.

Red Raspberry Leaf can assist with toning and relaxing the muscles in the pelvic/reproductive region. Also used as a herbal relief for PMS symptoms and cramps, raspberry leaf is rich in iron and easily dissolvable by the body.

Stinging Nettles is a household favorite and may be used for regulating hormones, iron absorption, and serves as a uterine tonic helping to strengthen the uterus for a baby.

Red Clover assist in follicle and egg production and is a wonderful supportive herb to assist with ovulation.

Please consult with your physician prior to use.


Hormone Balancing

Regulates Menstrual Cycle

Uterine Tonic

Improves Ovulation

Iron Absorption

Directions: Steep 1 teaspoon of herbal blend for 3-5 minutes. Add honey for flavor. Drink tea twice daily for maximum benefits.


2oz (approximately 30 cups) 

4oz (approximately 60 cups)

Add it to the Bag!
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